-i like to be loud
-i dont like people with anoyying voice
-i hate hipster
– i snore
-i like to be around people
-i hate people making unnecessary jokes
-i always like to do something
-i by more crossfit shoes than normal shoes
-i hate dogs
-i hate cats
-i don’t like to get bad grades
-i like to go to Walmart and scare people
-like to build things
-i don’t like going out alone
-i hate gathering with a lot of people
-i like greys anatomy
-i have a problem scratching my head
-i injured my arm as a little kid
-i like to stay at home
-long post on facebook
-annoying vines
-the show ridiculous
-annoying little kids
– i hate people of chihuahua
– my favorite food is mole



Study Hints for a Quiz or Test


Sometimes we get very stressed because we are going to have a difficult test and we thing we are going to failed and sometimes we don’t even study. Or we don’t study because it is going to be very easy. But studying is not that bad, it can be fun and your can learn new or understand precious topics. You can gather with a group of friends and make activities to study, like games, flash cards, of even just talking. Or if you are studying alone you can make a lot of creative ideas too. You can make a song, or simple words to remember a big sentence or definition.

They are a lot of things you can make to do a studying session easy and fun. You will have a good time and you will also get a great grade. You can make different activities or have different ideas of how you want to make your studying session fun. And also you are going to start liking this activities is studying will be more easy and more frequently. You can share this idea with your classroom and teachers and make and share new ideas.


How-to make a dog




-Fairy Dust





1- First of all you new to be happy and have a lot of love to achieve this.

2- Next, you need to think if what kind of dog, the size you want it, if he or she is going to be friendly, etc.

3- After that you need to start making your dog with the yarn and cover it with tape.

4- When you finish your design, you cover de edges like the legs or the nose with clips.

5- After your dog is ready and most importantly you like it, you need to spread the fairy dust all over it.

6- Finally, you need to wait two hours you dog will be alive and will be ready to be your best friend forever!
